Artur Ferreira

Reporter Profile

Artur Ferreira is a reporter for Agência Mural and has been the correspondent for São Luis, a low-income area in the southern zone of São Paulo, since 2022. He graduated in Social Communication: Journalism from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo and is studying for a master’s degree at the same institution in the postgraduate program of Intelligence Technologies and Digital Design. He has also worked for media outlets such as CBN Radio CBN and Observatório do Terceiro Setor. He won the Fernando Pacheco Jordão Young Journalist Award in 2019 for his podcast “Não Visto,” about child labor in the fashion industry. He has covered a wide range of topics for Agência Mural. Under the heading “Democratize-se”, the reporter will cover topics such as elections, the right to vote and the health of the democratic system. In addition to reporting on the main political events of the municipal elections in São Paulo, the coverage will also follow the work of community initiatives and leaders committed to the health of the democratic system.

Beat: Democracy