Revenue diversification is crucial for independent newsrooms in today’s media landscape. Report for the World (RFW) in partnership with the International Press Institute (IPI) are working with RFW newsrooms to help public-interest media design innovative strategies for revenue diversification and sustainability.This program, designed by Preethi Nallu, Executive Director at RFW, aims at supporting the sustainability
How safe are our journalists? Safety and security for investigative journalists
Safety and security of investigative journalists has become one of the biggest issues in the media today. At the just concluded African Investigative Journalism Conference (AIJC), Report for the World facilitated a discussion on this topic with the Africa Program Manager Alis Okonji emphasizing the gravity of the threats facing journalists in Africa. In the
Building a Diaspora Beat: Strategies for Impact and Revenue
Independent newsrooms around the world are experimenting with innovative ways to diversify their revenue generation. One often overlooked, yet potentially lucrative source of income for newsrooms is the diaspora beat. This area of coverage focuses on issues and stories relevant to people who have migrated from their country of origin and settled in other parts