
Átlátszó is the first Hungarian investigative journalism nonprofit and a watchdog NGO to promote transparency, accountability, and freedom of information in Hungary. Established in 2011, – “atlatszo” means transparent in Hungarian – produces investigative reports, accepts information from whistleblowers, files freedom of information requests, and commences freedom of information lawsuits in cases where its

Agência Pública

Founded in 2011 by women reporters, Agência Pública is the first non-profit investigative news agency in Brazil. Their focus is to investigate the public administration, including all levels of government and congressional houses; the social and environmental impact of corporations and corrupt and anti-transparent practices; the efficacy, transparency, and equity of the justice system; and

Quinto Elemento Laboratorio de Investigación Periodística

Quinto Elemento Lab is an independent journalism nonprofit that produces investigative stories that aim to empower citizens, strengthen accountability and help build a more just and transparent society. Inequality, impunity and corruption are still leaving a mark in Mexico. That’s one of the reasons why Quinto Elemento focuses on investigations that shed light on the

The Citizen Bulletin

Launched in 2017, The Citizen Bulletin is a digital-first newsroom that produces hard-hitting longform reporting for the greater region of Matabeleland, south-western Zimbabwe. We cover core news and focus on special-interest beats such as public health, education and environment. We are a fully distributed team that is dedicated to mission-driven high-quality journalism that cuts through


((o))eco is a non-profit journalism organization founded in 2004 to document the challenges, setbacks and advances of issues related to nature conservation, biodiversity and environmental policy in Brazil. Considered one of the largest environmental vehicles in Brazil, ((o))eco provides an important service to society by communicating nature conservation efforts in the six Brazilian biomes, raising

Banjot Kaur

Banjot Kaur is a former correspondent at Down To Earth, as well as a correspondent and senior copy editor with Times of India and news producer at Asian News International. Before becoming a Report for the World corps member, she took part in the Thakur Foundation Fellowship in 2020 for an investigative reporting project centered