Daniel Mitma (Huancayo, Perú) is a journalist that has published in El Comercio, La República y Caretas. He teaches at the Universidad Continental and works for Salud con Lupa covering environmental topics. He has a masters degree in creative writing from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and is the co-author of the book
Environmental and social impact of development
Roberth Orihuela
Roberth Orihuela is a journalist from the Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa. Since 2015 he has worked in publications like Noticias, El Pueblo, Sin Fronteras, Diario Viral, La República, Pancarta.pe, Semanario Revelación and Convoca. He has been part of the Connectas.org hub of writers since 2021. He’s specialized in investigative reporting, data and
Leandro Amaya
Leandro Amaya was born in Cancas, Peru, in 1993. He has worked as an independent journalists specialized in climate, environmental and social conflict features. His long-form stories have been recognized with awards in Peru and abroad. In 2020 he received the Young Journalist Award from the Thomson Foundation the Foreign Press Association London (FPA). In
Ghiovani Hinojosa Navarro
Ghiovani Hinojosa Navarro is a Peruvian journalist with more than a decade of experience. He has worked for local media like Hildebrandt en sus trece and La República. In 2012, he won the National Journalism Award Juan Landázuri Ricketts in the category of print journalism. He has a Masters in investigative journalism from the Universidad
Convoca is an investigative journalism organization founded in 2014 by reporters, data analysts, and programmers in Peru to merge the best of traditional reporting with the intelligent use of databases, a multidisciplinary perspective and new digital narratives to systematically investigate the networks of political and corporate power that affect the lives of citizens.
Giovanna Carneiro
A recent graduate from the Federal University of Pernambuco, Giovanna Carneiro has already worked as a reporter for the newspaper Folha de Pernambuco and for Marco Zero Content, as a freelancer. Additionally, Carneiro was a creator and collaborator on Revista Gruvi, an digital magazine that focuses on music and culture in the eastern Brazilian state
Marco Zero
Marco Zero’s mission is to produce, practice and promote independent investigative journalism that enriches and informs public debate. The organization’s reports and podcasts address issues related to democracy, gender and identity, urban mobility, as well as the social and cultural occupation of indigenous land. Central to our mission is a commitment to everyday people themselves.