Fairness Moyana

Fairness Moyana is an experienced reporter based in Hwange, Southwestern Zimbabwe. He has previously contributed articles to local news outlets, including The Citizen Bulletin. He is passionate about writing engaging content on environment, climate change, community development, wildlife, health, disability, and gender, among other beats. As a Report for the World Corps member Moyana will

Azeefa Fathima

Azeefa Fathima (she/her) is a journalist based in south India, reporting for The News Minute. Her body of work includes in-depth, longform reports on LGBTQIA+ issues, caste, human rights, health and law. She has produced stories in print, digital and video formats, primarily covering Tamil Nadu and Kerala. She was a fellow with the Health

Lynnia Ngwenya

Lynnia Ngwenya is an early-career journalist with two years’ experience as a reporter. She has been covering health, education, and the environment for various local news organizations. She joins The Citizen Bulletin as a full-time health reporter and will specifically focus on the southern part of the Matabeleland region.

Abimbola Abatta

Abimbola Abatta is a journalist and poet based in Nigeria. She is passionate about stories that revolve around human rights,  social injustice, and marginalized people. She currently writes for the Foundation for Investigative Journalism (FIJ). She was a fellow at African Liberty Writing Fellowship (2021-2022). She was also a general-beat reporter at Nigerian NewsDirect (2020-2022).

Jacqueline Maria da Silva

Jacqueline Maria da Silva is a reporter for Agência Mural and a correspondent for Cidade Ademar, a low-income area in São Paulo’s south zone, since 2021. She graduated in journalism from Nove de Julho University and physiotherapy from São Camilo University Center. She was a volunteer reporter for the websites: ONG LGBT+ do Brasil, Agência

Raquel Muigai

Raquel Muigai is an award-winning journalist focused on human rights, governance, and climate change storytelling. Her work in these fields has earned her both local and international recognition, including the KAS Media Africa Award for Local Journalism, the Sustainable Development Goals Kenya Award, and the African Climate Change and Environmental Reporting Award. She has also

Catalina Olate

Catalina Olate is a journalist with a degree from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. She worked as a reporter for FactChecking.cl in partnership with 24 Horas verifying the 2021 presidential elections and the Constitutional plebiscite. She has collaborated with El Mostrador and in 2022 was a finalist for the Premio Periodismo de Excelencia de

Franklin Villavicencio

Franklin Villavicencio is a Nicaraguan journalist with experience writing for print, digital and TV. He has worked for La Prensa Literaria, Revista Niú, Confidencial, Revista Factum and others. In 2021 he joined Divergentes, where he has produced three seasons of its podcast and multiple multimedia stories. In 2022 he was awarded the Ortega y Gasset

Koena Evelyn Mashale

Koena Evelyn Mashale is a journalist with a degree from Tshwane University of Technology and currently participating in an advanced program at the same institution. She has experience working for local publications in Johannesburg. Her focus at Sowetan will be on immigration.